Monday, September 6, 2010

A New Season...

Well, after a VERY busy summer I have finally got back into a routine. For some reason I have found myself reflecting more and more...I don't know if it comes with getting older or what, but in these past few weeks I've found myself realizing that my spiritual desert now seems to be ending and I am climbing to the mountain top. The past two or three years I've really felt like I was in a spiritual desert...not that God wasn't with me the WHOLE time, but that I've been searching, asking and pleading with God to change me, change my heart and change my life (that I wasn't happy with), or at least to make me content...earnestly and wholeheartedly content and well...he's done more than that! Isn't it amazing how we are always amazed or surprised at God's goodness and faithfulness?...Why is that?! God is the same yesterday, today and forever...yet we still have "expectations" of who he is, what he OUGHT to do, and why he ought to do it..and every time he goes above and beyond...even if he doesn't do things in our always works out PERFECTLY! These past few years I have found myself alone (even w/ tons of friends, great co-workers, etc) and discontent with who I am/am not and how my life is and its been my prayer that God would change that and has he ever!! I'm now starting my last school year and although I will be graduating soon and that brings a lot of responsibilities, pressure and stress along with it, I'm looking forward to being DONE! I seek to be more of a true friend (in good times and bad) a better sibling, daughter and aunt and have reconnected with a wonderful man! I used to look back and think "wow...that was a mistake breaking up" and now I think "wow...that was just how God wanted it"...and thank goodness, because I appreciate, respect and care for him even more now! Although I don't know what this next year holds, I look forward to this new adventure, this new season in my life and all the ups and downs, stress, responsibilities and JOY that comes along with it...for I KNOW that my GOD is one who is always with me, always faithful and always loving! Figured I'd post a pic just to add a little something to it!

Meg's Picks

Oh Glorious Day!-Casting Crowns
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About Me

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I'm a Florida girl trying to find my place in this world, while seeking my Savior and discovering who I am in Him and the unconditional love and grace that he so lavishly pours on me.