What is your definition of a true friend? In the past year or two I've had some great friendships, had trouble with some friendships and strengthened some friendships. It wasn't until recently that I decided that being a friend is something you have to work at in order to keep. There's a lot of give and take...and if there isn't, don't expect much out of the friendship. This week has been one of the most difficult I've ever experienced in my life and honestly, the only reason I got through it was because of three things....being in constant prayer, God's strength sustaining me and FRIENDS! My friends were there for me...every night, making sure I was ok, calling, listening, handing me Kleenex and just praying. I was on the phone w/ one of my good friends earlier this week after I had received some devastating news and she asked if I wanted her to come over or meet her and some other friends for dinner and my immediate response was, "please...you don't have to do that...I know you are super busy w/ school and work and you have too much on your plate." I didn't even finish my sentence before she interrupted and told me to just "stop right there!" She assured me there's nothing else she'd rather be doing and whether or not she truly meant it, she put those words into action and called some of my friends up and they came over and were "just there for me." This past week God has really shown me what true friends are and has provided me strength and encouragement through them. Not only have I learned what true friends are, but I've learned what it takes to be a true friend and how I want to act towards others to show them how much I care. A friend is someone who genuinely cares about you, who prays for you, encourages you, listens and is just there...no matter what! So to all of you "friends" out there...THANK YOU!...You guys have helped more than you know!!
Pics always make a post better :)
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