Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A different perspective...
Well, first off...it's been wayyy too long since my last post (I guess nothing exciting has really happened to me lately). As you may know, this week I'm up in Michigan with my dad and stepmom visiting for a few days before heading over to Chicago to see one of my best friends. My dad built a house up here in Jerome, MI about 2 years ago and since my first visit this past summer, I've been wanting to come again. It's funny though...I want to come to relax and just get away from everything and although I love spending time with my dad and stepmom I get a kick out of their reaction and behavior when I tell them that I want to come up (and even once I get here). My stepmom is always wanting to find new, fun things to do in Michigan when I come and my dad wants to do stuff...he just doesn't know what. He's like a little kid on Christmas morning...waiting for me to wake up and come out of my bedroom so we can "play" (whatever that means :) Anyways, I know they just want to show me the best of Michigan and really enjoy myself but its always funny how excited they get with me just coming up here. Yesterday we went 4-wheeling through the property and as we were getting stuck in all the brush, I just kept laughing to myself. Here we are, my dad is wanting to have a fun 4-wheeling experience and is getting a little confused/frustrated because the path wasn't cleared in advance for us, and all I can do is relate it to what its like when you first become a christian or when you know someone that has just become a Christian. You get so hungry for the Lord and just want to know more about him...you're energized all the time and just like my dad waits expectantly for me to wake up, we can't wait to share Christ with others...we want others to be just as excited about Christ as we are. We want the path to be cleared in advance for them so they can see how much fun it is! However, sometimes that excitement fades (just like it does for my dad once I've been here a few days or when I get too sleepy/grumpy to want to do anything). So why is that? As we've been driving around these past few days and I've been looking at all the beautiful snowy hills, I just keep asking God to revive me and fill me with that excitement for him that I once had! I know people that have lived in the north with all the frigid winters and all the snow get tired of it real quick and think it's no big deal when we act like a bunch of freaks as soon as we see snow, but sometimes its like that for us as Christians...we get used to our life...we become content, yet the bible clearly says "how long will you simple ones love your simple ways?" So...I'e been asking God to help make me discontent with being content...revive me, change me, help me to yearn for him...to be excited about/for him again and to be to others about him, just like my dad gets when he knows I'm coming to Michigan! God, in this time here...revive me, change me, and help me from this point on to get excited about you, your works and the path ahead of me!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Wanting a miracle....
Well..I know its been a while since I last blogged but my life has been crazy in the past month or two to say the least. As most of you know, Jared and I went up to B-ham the weekend before last for his dad's surgery. It was a fun time spent w/ Jared's family but it was also a tiring, emotional and prayerful one! To be honest, sometimes I just break down when I think about how much Jared's dad has had to endure and although I usually don't share my prayers, I thought this time I would (or at least some of it). I just wanted to show a little bit of what my prayers have been about lately and how earnestly I've prayed for a miracle for this wonderful, Godly man. So...here it is: (this was written while I was up in B-ham last weekend).
Well God, I figured I'd update you (not like you need an update) on what's been going on recently. This weekend we’re in Birmingham (fri-wed) for Mr. Frank (Jared’s dad) to have back surgery (on Monday). Mr. Frank and Mrs. Sheila came up Thursday and Jared and I followed on Friday. We’ve been here less than twenty four hours and already I’m enjoying myself so much just by the people I’m surrounded by! We got up and went to the park today and played with the kids and have just returned and everyone is napping. However, I felt I needed to sit down with you and express my thanks and love for you. God, I’m so thankful that you never leave me and never stop loving me…even in my weakest moments, even when I feel so far away from you and don’t hardly talk to you…THANK YOU! I’m so blessed to even be around the Scotts…their love for you is so apparent and I’m beyond speechless as to how blessed I am. It brings tears to my eyes to think of how much pain Mr. Frank could possibly be in…yet he doesn’t let it hinder him and is constantly praising you. But in all honesty God, I’m mad…I’m mad that such a wonderful man has to endure such pain when all he does is praise you…why? I know I need to be content and know you have a plan for him and that you can bring a miracle if you choose…and God, I just beg that you would. That you would relieve his pain and help him to be able to do all the things he desires to do and more! He is such a witness for your love and a constant reminder that your love is endless!
God, I lift up Mrs. Sheila to you…help her to find comfort in that fact that you are in control…that you will provide and take care of Mr. Frank and herself. Help her not to stress or worry or be upset but to be content in your healing love.
Psalm 103.
I must admit I read somewhere that my friend had read this scripture and read what it meant to her…but it means something completely different to me. It talks about healing those that are sick and satisfying our desires with good things so that our youth may be renewed like the eagle’s….and this makes me think of Mr. Frank! Lord, I know his desire is to be well again, to not have any back pain and to be able to do the things he wants to do, when he wants to do them…I pray that you would give him that wish. I pray that by this surgery his youth would be renewed like that of eagle’s. Lord, you make us a promise. A promise that you are compassionate, gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. Lord, I know you can do miracles, I know you can heal the sick and if there was ever a time where I asked for a favor…its now. Heal Mr. Frank! Please! Lord, no matter what happens we will continue to praise you, your ways and your plan but help us to do that earnestly!
My prayer for a miracle! Thank you to all who have been praying right alongside us! I can't express how much they've meant to me, let alone the Scotts! What a display of God's love and compassion!
Well God, I figured I'd update you (not like you need an update) on what's been going on recently. This weekend we’re in Birmingham (fri-wed) for Mr. Frank (Jared’s dad) to have back surgery (on Monday). Mr. Frank and Mrs. Sheila came up Thursday and Jared and I followed on Friday. We’ve been here less than twenty four hours and already I’m enjoying myself so much just by the people I’m surrounded by! We got up and went to the park today and played with the kids and have just returned and everyone is napping. However, I felt I needed to sit down with you and express my thanks and love for you. God, I’m so thankful that you never leave me and never stop loving me…even in my weakest moments, even when I feel so far away from you and don’t hardly talk to you…THANK YOU! I’m so blessed to even be around the Scotts…their love for you is so apparent and I’m beyond speechless as to how blessed I am. It brings tears to my eyes to think of how much pain Mr. Frank could possibly be in…yet he doesn’t let it hinder him and is constantly praising you. But in all honesty God, I’m mad…I’m mad that such a wonderful man has to endure such pain when all he does is praise you…why? I know I need to be content and know you have a plan for him and that you can bring a miracle if you choose…and God, I just beg that you would. That you would relieve his pain and help him to be able to do all the things he desires to do and more! He is such a witness for your love and a constant reminder that your love is endless!
God, I lift up Mrs. Sheila to you…help her to find comfort in that fact that you are in control…that you will provide and take care of Mr. Frank and herself. Help her not to stress or worry or be upset but to be content in your healing love.
Psalm 103.
I must admit I read somewhere that my friend had read this scripture and read what it meant to her…but it means something completely different to me. It talks about healing those that are sick and satisfying our desires with good things so that our youth may be renewed like the eagle’s….and this makes me think of Mr. Frank! Lord, I know his desire is to be well again, to not have any back pain and to be able to do the things he wants to do, when he wants to do them…I pray that you would give him that wish. I pray that by this surgery his youth would be renewed like that of eagle’s. Lord, you make us a promise. A promise that you are compassionate, gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. Lord, I know you can do miracles, I know you can heal the sick and if there was ever a time where I asked for a favor…its now. Heal Mr. Frank! Please! Lord, no matter what happens we will continue to praise you, your ways and your plan but help us to do that earnestly!
My prayer for a miracle! Thank you to all who have been praying right alongside us! I can't express how much they've meant to me, let alone the Scotts! What a display of God's love and compassion!
Monday, September 6, 2010
A New Season...
Well, after a VERY busy summer I have finally got back into a routine. For some reason I have found myself reflecting more and more...I don't know if it comes with getting older or what, but in these past few weeks I've found myself realizing that my spiritual desert now seems to be ending and I am climbing to the mountain top. The past two or three years I've really felt like I was in a spiritual desert...not that God wasn't with me the WHOLE time, but that I've been searching, asking and pleading with God to change me, change my heart and change my life (that I wasn't happy with), or at least to make me content...earnestly and wholeheartedly content and well...he's done more than that! Isn't it amazing how we are always amazed or surprised at God's goodness and faithfulness?...Why is that?! God is the same yesterday, today and forever...yet we still have "expectations" of who he is, what he OUGHT to do, and why he ought to do it..and every time he goes above and beyond...even if he doesn't do things in our timing...it always works out PERFECTLY! These past few years I have found myself alone (even w/ tons of friends, great co-workers, etc) and discontent with who I am/am not and how my life is and its been my prayer that God would change that and has he ever!! I'm now starting my last school year and although I will be graduating soon and that brings a lot of responsibilities, pressure and stress along with it, I'm looking forward to being DONE! I seek to be more of a true friend (in good times and bad) a better sibling, daughter and aunt and have reconnected with a wonderful man! I used to look back and think "wow...that was a mistake breaking up" and now I think "wow...that was just how God wanted it"...and thank goodness, because I appreciate, respect and care for him even more now! Although I don't know what this next year holds, I look forward to this new adventure, this new season in my life and all the ups and downs, stress, responsibilities and JOY that comes along with it...for I KNOW that my GOD is one who is always with me, always faithful and always loving! Figured I'd post a pic just to add a little something to it!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Disclaimer: Bare with me...this post might seem a little far out there and hard to follow!
Yesterday afternoon I went to a friend's house to go swimming and although I spent a lot of my time enjoying the warm sun and good company, I also spent my time thinking. As I was leaning over my raft, I stared into the bottom of the pool, noticing the rays of the sun hitting the bottom and forming lines that went every which way and found that no two were the same. I thought about how that related to God and our connection to him...we are all in this big pool and the lines represent each one of us...all connected yet some may never touch others and no two are the same. We are each ultimately connected and ultimately make up the pool (which is God).
This might seem a little far out there, but it made me think of my life in relation to others. My life isn't like anyone else's, nor my experiences, heart ache or joy. Although it might seem similar (like the lines in the pool/other people's experiences) no two are exactly alike. To spread out from this thought, I then asked my friend what her biggest fear is, to which she responded "her husband dying." I began to think that although my friend and I are quite similar...we are different...I don't have a husband and although that someday will be one of my biggest fears (like her's)...its not right now. Immediately my response when I answered my own question was "I'm afraid I'm never going to get married."
Now, I know this probably seems stupid, but it is. Parents sometimes think that their kids should come with a manual?...Well, I think you should have a manual for how to deal with being in your 20's and NOT married, dating or engaged. I don't know if this is society as a whole or Panama City's way of living, but either way...its hard to deal with. I have to keep telling myself that marriage doesn't finally make me a somebody, it doesn't give me anymore worth than someone that is and that ultimately I can be happy with or without someone (of course I'd prefer it with someone). I have to understand that my life (like the lines) is different from everyone else's. I want to make something of myself...I want to be content with being who I am (whether that's alone or not)....I want to change. I ultimately want to be with someone who loves me and that I love in return just as much...but know that that's not what God has planned for me right now...and that's really hard to grasp. I don't want to settle, I don't want to wish my life turned out different...I want to take advantage of the here and now and realize that I am SOMEBODY!...somebody that aligns with other lines to form this beautiful reflection of who God is and what he can do!
Now some of you may read this and think "poor Megan, I wish she had someone," or "don't be stupid...marriage doesn't make you someone," or "its just not right for you...someone will come along," and although this may seem a little harsh...I'm tired of all the reasons of why I don't have someone, the comments and the attempted "set ups." Call me crazy but after about 3 years of hearing the "why aren't you dating someone?...what's wrong with you?...you'll never find someone who can put up with you (true comment made to me and probably one of the most hurtful)....or just the...its not your time yet," I'm over the comments. Half the people that make those comments are ones that got married at a young age or are just insensitive enough to make such hurtful comments...don't people realize that although they seem like JUST comments, they're hurtful and spill into my head as..."they're right...what is wrong w/ me?" All that to say...I am SOMEBODY...and I realize my above comments might have seemed a little negative as far as my view towards people, but its hurt that I've experienced just through comments. I ultimately know that God does have a wonderful plan for me...one that's far greater than I could ever imagine and that right now..I just need to stop holding in the love that I could be sharing with others! I know there is more heart ache and experiences to come (just like everyone else) but am looking forward to spreading and receiving even more joy that only Jesus has given me!
Yesterday afternoon I went to a friend's house to go swimming and although I spent a lot of my time enjoying the warm sun and good company, I also spent my time thinking. As I was leaning over my raft, I stared into the bottom of the pool, noticing the rays of the sun hitting the bottom and forming lines that went every which way and found that no two were the same. I thought about how that related to God and our connection to him...we are all in this big pool and the lines represent each one of us...all connected yet some may never touch others and no two are the same. We are each ultimately connected and ultimately make up the pool (which is God).
This might seem a little far out there, but it made me think of my life in relation to others. My life isn't like anyone else's, nor my experiences, heart ache or joy. Although it might seem similar (like the lines in the pool/other people's experiences) no two are exactly alike. To spread out from this thought, I then asked my friend what her biggest fear is, to which she responded "her husband dying." I began to think that although my friend and I are quite similar...we are different...I don't have a husband and although that someday will be one of my biggest fears (like her's)...its not right now. Immediately my response when I answered my own question was "I'm afraid I'm never going to get married."
Now, I know this probably seems stupid, but it is. Parents sometimes think that their kids should come with a manual?...Well, I think you should have a manual for how to deal with being in your 20's and NOT married, dating or engaged. I don't know if this is society as a whole or Panama City's way of living, but either way...its hard to deal with. I have to keep telling myself that marriage doesn't finally make me a somebody, it doesn't give me anymore worth than someone that is and that ultimately I can be happy with or without someone (of course I'd prefer it with someone). I have to understand that my life (like the lines) is different from everyone else's. I want to make something of myself...I want to be content with being who I am (whether that's alone or not)....I want to change. I ultimately want to be with someone who loves me and that I love in return just as much...but know that that's not what God has planned for me right now...and that's really hard to grasp. I don't want to settle, I don't want to wish my life turned out different...I want to take advantage of the here and now and realize that I am SOMEBODY!...somebody that aligns with other lines to form this beautiful reflection of who God is and what he can do!
Now some of you may read this and think "poor Megan, I wish she had someone," or "don't be stupid...marriage doesn't make you someone," or "its just not right for you...someone will come along," and although this may seem a little harsh...I'm tired of all the reasons of why I don't have someone, the comments and the attempted "set ups." Call me crazy but after about 3 years of hearing the "why aren't you dating someone?...what's wrong with you?...you'll never find someone who can put up with you (true comment made to me and probably one of the most hurtful)....or just the...its not your time yet," I'm over the comments. Half the people that make those comments are ones that got married at a young age or are just insensitive enough to make such hurtful comments...don't people realize that although they seem like JUST comments, they're hurtful and spill into my head as..."they're right...what is wrong w/ me?" All that to say...I am SOMEBODY...and I realize my above comments might have seemed a little negative as far as my view towards people, but its hurt that I've experienced just through comments. I ultimately know that God does have a wonderful plan for me...one that's far greater than I could ever imagine and that right now..I just need to stop holding in the love that I could be sharing with others! I know there is more heart ache and experiences to come (just like everyone else) but am looking forward to spreading and receiving even more joy that only Jesus has given me!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
My To-Do's for the summer!
I know most people have fall/spring cleaning (and times in between) where they clean things out, start fresh, etc...or it might even be New Years when they feel the need to make things new, improve upon some things or just re-organize. For me, its usually in the summer, once the exhaustion from the spring has died down and just before the excitement of fall comes. A friend of mine and I always make lists of things we want to accomplish, need to accomplish, etc. SO...upon my list was a variety of things...some of which needed to be done, some of which I wanted to do and some of which I felt I should do. Here's my example: clean out/organize my closet, compliment people more (I often think the compliments but don't ever speak them...what good does that do?), be a better friend, keep my word, clean out my refrigerator, try harder to think before I speak, set a budget and stick to it, etc. I guess I would consider myself as one of those people that is always trying to better themselves...although it doesn't always work and I slip up or just get lazy, I always have goals for myself. I read another friend's blog recently who had just got done organizing a room in her house and I loved the words she put..."every time I see it, my insides jump up and down." That's how I feel right about now...my house is completely organized, clean, etc and I feel as though I'm starting to accomplish the other things on my list as well (complimenting, trying to be a better friend, etc). As of right now and this time in my life...my insides are jumping up and down...getting ready to graduate in 10 months, the excitement/stress of looking for a "big girl job" and all that is in between! What's on your list?!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I don't know what I like best!
Man, this place is beautiful! Over the past week I've found something each day to set aside in my mind as something I found beautiful, so I thought I'd share them with you:
Watching a deer in the field at dusk
Taking a walk in the woods and feeling nothing but the warmth of the sun on your back
Seeing an old church that's standing alone and has been for years
Seeing a neighbor bring something over that they thought you'd like to have
Watching kids play in a nearby park, running through the water and laughing so hard you think they're cheeks must hurt
Driving down a lone highway and seeing the sun's rays beam through the clouds
Walking down a street in downtown Ann Arbor and smelling different flowers at every street corner.
On the way back to the house this afternoon I just stared out the window looking at the sun beaming through the clouds and noticing the contrast of the bright blue sky to the green corn stalks and thinking how beautiful it was. How great our God is, how beautiful his creation is and how blessed I am to share in it. This week I've had some firsts...first time seeing a ground hog, first time seeing a deer in my front yard, first time eating pizza from somewhere other than the common Dominoes, Hungry Howies, etc. First time visiting Ann Arbor and although I've enjoyed all of these things...there's some things I've had the chance to repeat...like taking a long drive with my dad while talking the whole way and reminiscing as I take in the smell of his coffee-smelling truck and realizing how long its been since we had one of "those" talks or caught up with an old friend
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A Day in the Windy City
A few weeks ago I when I decided to come to Michigan with my dad and stepmom, I went online to see how far away our town was from Chicago and after discovering it was about 3 hours away, I knew I'd have to go visit one of my dearest friends who lives there. As we approached the city this morning it was a dreary looking day, overcast yet still cool (in the low 60's). After arriving we walked around the Navy Pier for a while, then went to Millenium Park (along w/ several other parks), shopped, got ice cream, listened to a string quartet play in an ampitheater, rode a ferris wheel for the first time EVER and just spent the day sight-seeing and cathching up with each other. The day ended up in the low 80's and was full of sunshine! This is by far one of the best days...experiencing a new city with an old friend and taking everything in all at the same time. Here are some pics (there are more on my facebook). Enjoy!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
In the middle of nowhere
After a 16 hour trip up to Michigan yesterday, we arrived just in time for a horrible storm. About 3 hours from Michigan the sky went from being beautifully painted with reds, blues and purples to producing a dark, eerie feel...that of which is usually followed up by a horrible storm and this was no different. After stopping to get some dinner, the rain started coming, winds started blowing and things started flying. The highway became filled with nothing but headlights and a mixture of water and wind passing with every car. After finally arriving, getting settled and letting the excitement from the long drive die down, I was finally able to fall fast asleep. This morning was spent enjoying a beautiful setting, (that which was much different from last night's), a cup of coffee and a nice walk around the property. We soon got in gear, took showers and then headed into "town" (by that I mean, 2 streets that intersect right in front of a Harley shop and a pub) for lunch. This place is so desolate yet peaceful. As we were walking through the property this morning my dad asked how I would describe it and as I began thinking of different one word adjectives, I then realized that walking back in the woods was a lot like walking through life. Sometimes, although people are around you, you feel alone. Sometimes, you come to a fork in the road and after taking a certain route, you realize halfway down it that it wasn't the best route. Sometimes the scenery (along w/ life) is peaceful, enjoyable and relaxing and sometimes its full of mud (my shoes got COVERED in it). In the end though, you probably wish you had taken it in more, done things differently but overall, hopefully enjoyed it! Anyways...after lunch we went and toured a little town that was so quaint and charming, followed by a drive through a nearby nursery that had a few lakes throughout it, swans and beautiful flowers. Once home, we rested, I caught up on some reading and enjoyed watching the deer walk across the front lawn as dusk came. This day was filled with exploring, relaxing and enjoying...just what I needed!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
God is good...all the time!
Warning!!! This post is going to be all over the place. So…since there’s only about 3 of you that read this…I figure I can be pretty honest. The past 6 months have been a rollercoaster for me emotionally, but more recently the past month. I’ve questioned God a LOT lately…been downright honest with him about how I’m unhappy with the way things are going for me right now…and just been mad at life in general. However, I do realize I’m blessed beyond measure, there are still areas in my life I’m not happy with. Last night I went to our men’s softball game and as I was walking back to my car…it suddenly grew quite around me and I just gazed up at the stars and thought…God…how come this person I care so much about only looks out for what they want…they don’t consider me? How come I constantly put myself out there…yet get nothing in return? I’m always there for them…have always loved them and yet…its not appreciated or may not even be noticed. WHY GOD?!?! WHY?!? It was while walking back to my car that I began to cry and just pray. After a minute or so of that, I continued home and didn’t really think much more of it until it was time to go to bed. Recently I haven’t been sleeping well and its been taking me anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 HOURS to fall asleep b/c I can’t shut my mind off thinking about this person. Well, last night as I was lying in bed and just praying and crying I became aware of something. All those questions I had asked God earlier in the night are the SAME questions God probably asks about me. “Megan…I’ve always loved you…why aren’t you seeking my will and my kingdom? Megan…I’ve always considered you, yet you chose when to consider me. Megan, I’ve always put myself out there, always cared for you, yet you pick when it’s convenient for you.” I suddenly realized…I’ve been selfish, I’ve been judgmental, I’ve been lacking in showing God how much I love him and I’ve only cared about what God’s going to do in my life…not what I can do in my life FOR God. Yet God loves me anyways and always will. Gosh…I just began to cry even more, ask for forgiveness and just pray “God…I’m so sorry…here I am getting mad at someone else…yet all along you’ve been questioning where I’ve been too, yet I’m about to give up on this person b/c they aren’t caring or reciprocating my love and you CONTINUE to love me for who I am…whether I reciprocate my love to you or not!!! Your mercy is so great and so powerful…God you are always patient with us and are always faithful…even when we are faithless. Thank you God for your never-ending love! All this to say what an amazing God we serve!!! Today is a new day, a new start and a new opportunity to show God how much I love him!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Its not the end, rather the beginning
Last night, along with some good friends and the youth pastor from my church, I attended Mosley High School's graduation ceremony. From before the graduates took their seats to walking out the gates at the end, I was consumed with thoughts of the past. I remember standing and waiting to take my seat and feeling anxious yet the happiest I've ever felt...knowing everyone I care about is there watching me take this next step and begin this new chapter in my life. I've never felt more supported, loved and excited then I did that night. One of the students last night said that high school is supposed to be the best time of your life and although I used to agree with that statement, I'm not so sure I do anymore. Life isn't about remembering those good times, but making every moment good and appreciating what you've been blessed with, what you've overcome and those that you have loved and that have loved you along the way. In the beginning of the ceremony I kept reflecting on my high school years and wishing life was as fun as it was then, but then I realized...it is!! I can honestly say that my life isn't anything how I thought it would be at 23...I mean, I thought I'd be engaged or married, have graduated from college and have the job of my dreams (which, 5 years ago was being a teacher). However, its quite the opposite...I'm still single, still in school, majoring in something completely different and I live by myself and although I've struggled with reality in these past 5 years, I don't think I would want my life any different then how it is. In these past 5 years, I've dealt with the loss of loved ones, heartbreak, loving someone, making TONS of new friends (some of the greatest I've ever had), grown further in my relationship with the Lord, and have recently been able to embrace all of that and be thankful that my life isn't comparable to anyone else's (even though I've tried to compare it, time and time again)! Last night, I realized that although some of those "good times" are gone, its now time to create new ones and not only look forward to what's to come but live in the here and now, not looking back and focusing on making MY dreams come true...even if they are completely different then they were 5 years ago.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Amazing Grace
Man...I've had that song running through my head all day. I've been thinking about getting baptized in the bay for a while now and finally went through with it. Nothing was really holding me back from doing it before, but I recently decided it was time for me to just go ahead and do it...and I'm so glad I did. I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to get baptized this morning when I woke up (just b/c you usually have to give them some notice) but it turned out I was able to. Anyways, I woke up this morning and usually I spend my hour or so getting ready in just complete silence...I'm just really not a morning person and don't like to listen to the news cause it stresses me out in the mornings and don't like listening to all the talking on the radio stations...so I just get ready in the quiet. Well, today I decided to turn on one of the christian radio stations and it was nothing but worship songs this morning. As I sat on my floor getting ready I couldn't help but just be filled w/ tears and just keep praying "God, thank you that your mercy is new EVERY morning...not just when you feel like giving us mercy, but EVERY morning. It is only by YOUR grace that I am saved...thank you God, thank you!" Literally I had my own worship service before I even got to church, and then our worship this morning was SOOOO good, it just made my day even better. I just spent the day relaxing, praying and really thinking about how good God is. Sometimes our lives aren't how we want them, i.e things don't happen when we want them to and things happen when we don't want them to...things turn out differently then we planned and sometimes it gets us down, but the fact of the matter is...every day is good because we are saved by God's grace. I'm definitely preaching to myself on this one b/c I know in the past year or two I've really struggled with "God...this isn't how I planned for my life to be...why aren't you making my life turn out the way I planned?"...and the reason is, because that's not what he wants or has planned for my life. He has something so much better then I can even imagine. How dare I question why God is or isn't doing certain things in my life. Anyways, all that to say I DID get baptized today out in the bay and it was beautiful. It ended perfectly too by us all walking back towards the dock and singing Amazing Grace together. What better song to sing after being baptized then amazing grace? "I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see...how precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed." How perfect! I posted some pics from it on my facebook...go check 'em out! And thank God for his amazing grace that he gives us EVERY morning!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
This is just the beginning....
So last night our church held its FIRST young adults group in our sanctuary. This has been months and months in the making with prayer, thoughts, suggestions, fasting and numerous ideas all put into one night and I must say it was GREAT!! I had my own fears going into last night...were people going to show up?...was the sound going to be ok? (it always seems no matter how many times you practice, it still seems to mess up when everyone is there)...would our speaker remember to come? etc. After finally just realizing that I'm a big planner and a little on the O.C.D side, I just had to really pray that God would help me relinquish my need for controlling it and know that it was ALL in his hands! Last night as we were worshipping I just kept praising God for bringing THESE people here on THIS night and that they would all be filled with his spirit and joy! One of the songs sang is one of my favorites, its kind of new and the lyrics are perfect! "Take my life and let it be, all for you and for your Glory, take my life and let it be yours...Glory to God!" gosh...how perfect :) Our leadership team, along with our sound guys (thanks Thomas and Mr. Mike) and of course our worship team and speaker Nic couldn't have done a better job! I'm sooo blessed to be part of such a wonderful church who was so quick to support us (thanks to you too Doug for coming out for our first meeting). I'm looking forward to MANY more meetings just like last nights! Hope you guys can come out to our next one...May 28th!
Glory to God!
Glory to God!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Some things I LOVE!
Thought I'd try to make this a happy post...I have a list of random things I love and thought I'd share...(I'm sure you guys...all 2 of you, probably don't really care, but thought I'd share anyways). Some things I love...
1. shopping for school supplies/the beginning of school
2. the smell of spring time w/ the windows open throughout the house
3. the feeling after I've just got done jogging
4. boating
5. sleeping in on a Sat. morning and then going to brunch
6. having friends over and playing games
7. babies
8. sweet tea
9. Red Elephant's Rebecca's salad
10. when I babysit kids and they imitate their parents
11. sleeping with it freezing
12. the sound of rain while falling asleep
13. helping someone
14. learning how to do things around the house
15. attempting to cook...notice I say "attempting"
1. shopping for school supplies/the beginning of school
2. the smell of spring time w/ the windows open throughout the house
3. the feeling after I've just got done jogging
4. boating
5. sleeping in on a Sat. morning and then going to brunch
6. having friends over and playing games
7. babies
8. sweet tea
9. Red Elephant's Rebecca's salad
10. when I babysit kids and they imitate their parents
11. sleeping with it freezing
12. the sound of rain while falling asleep
13. helping someone
14. learning how to do things around the house
15. attempting to cook...notice I say "attempting"
Thursday, April 22, 2010
What is a friend...

What is your definition of a true friend? In the past year or two I've had some great friendships, had trouble with some friendships and strengthened some friendships. It wasn't until recently that I decided that being a friend is something you have to work at in order to keep. There's a lot of give and take...and if there isn't, don't expect much out of the friendship. This week has been one of the most difficult I've ever experienced in my life and honestly, the only reason I got through it was because of three things....being in constant prayer, God's strength sustaining me and FRIENDS! My friends were there for me...every night, making sure I was ok, calling, listening, handing me Kleenex and just praying. I was on the phone w/ one of my good friends earlier this week after I had received some devastating news and she asked if I wanted her to come over or meet her and some other friends for dinner and my immediate response was, "please...you don't have to do that...I know you are super busy w/ school and work and you have too much on your plate." I didn't even finish my sentence before she interrupted and told me to just "stop right there!" She assured me there's nothing else she'd rather be doing and whether or not she truly meant it, she put those words into action and called some of my friends up and they came over and were "just there for me." This past week God has really shown me what true friends are and has provided me strength and encouragement through them. Not only have I learned what true friends are, but I've learned what it takes to be a true friend and how I want to act towards others to show them how much I care. A friend is someone who genuinely cares about you, who prays for you, encourages you, listens and is just there...no matter what! So to all of you "friends" out there...THANK YOU!...You guys have helped more than you know!!
Pics always make a post better :)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Does that make me CRAZY?!?!
Does that make me CRAZY?!
Ok..so on a local radio station they do a segment called “Does that make me crazy?,” where people call in, tell about their weird habits (or sometimes normal habits) and ask, “Does that make me crazy?” SO..I figured I’d tell you guys mine and see what you guys think!
Does it make me crazy when…
1. I vacuum a rug and have to go back w/ my hands and make sure the fringe is
2. Have to break out a new piece of paper just because I made a mistake and refuse
to scribble it out
3. Have to have coffee every morning except weekends?
4. Refuse to eat things that have sour cream or onions in them?
5. Have at any given time enough clothes in my car to have a complete outfit no
matter what season it is
6. Can’t talk and write at the same time?
7. I forget someone’s name upon being introduced because I was so concerned w/ what
I was going to say
8. Freak out if I’m a minute late to something but am totally fine w/ being 15
minutes early
9. Literally have to walk away when I hear someone smacking b/c it makes me so angry
10. I refuse to shower once it gets dark b/c I’m scared someone’s going to break in
and I won't hear them b/c the shower is going
11. Lock my bedroom door at night
12. Have to have my box fan on before being able to fall asleep
13. Feel the need to yell at someone that litters, isn’t wearing their seat belt or
has a child roaming freely about their motor vehicle
14. I still can’t have my food touch (yes..even at 23, I’m still THAT picky)
15. I literally freak out when someone asks me to look in their eye for dirt or see
a picture of an eye
16. When I run I have to have 3 things: my ipod, gum in my mouth and chapstick!
Feel free to share your quirks so we can all determine if they make you “CRAZY” or not! hehe! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday...I LIVE for the weekends!
Ok..so on a local radio station they do a segment called “Does that make me crazy?,” where people call in, tell about their weird habits (or sometimes normal habits) and ask, “Does that make me crazy?” SO..I figured I’d tell you guys mine and see what you guys think!
Does it make me crazy when…
1. I vacuum a rug and have to go back w/ my hands and make sure the fringe is
2. Have to break out a new piece of paper just because I made a mistake and refuse
to scribble it out
3. Have to have coffee every morning except weekends?
4. Refuse to eat things that have sour cream or onions in them?
5. Have at any given time enough clothes in my car to have a complete outfit no
matter what season it is
6. Can’t talk and write at the same time?
7. I forget someone’s name upon being introduced because I was so concerned w/ what
I was going to say
8. Freak out if I’m a minute late to something but am totally fine w/ being 15
minutes early
9. Literally have to walk away when I hear someone smacking b/c it makes me so angry
10. I refuse to shower once it gets dark b/c I’m scared someone’s going to break in
and I won't hear them b/c the shower is going
11. Lock my bedroom door at night
12. Have to have my box fan on before being able to fall asleep
13. Feel the need to yell at someone that litters, isn’t wearing their seat belt or
has a child roaming freely about their motor vehicle
14. I still can’t have my food touch (yes..even at 23, I’m still THAT picky)
15. I literally freak out when someone asks me to look in their eye for dirt or see
a picture of an eye
16. When I run I have to have 3 things: my ipod, gum in my mouth and chapstick!
Feel free to share your quirks so we can all determine if they make you “CRAZY” or not! hehe! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday...I LIVE for the weekends!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Summer is right around the corner!
Being a typical college student, its only natural that around this time of the semester we all get tired, stressed and ready for SUMMER (and I am no exception)! This summer will actually be the first time since I was 15 that I haven't had a summer job and to be honest...I'm really not THAT disappointed! I will be taking 4 classes this summer, however they'll only go til noon Mon-Thurs for the first 6 weeks of summer and then the last 6 weeks I'll only have to go on Mondays and Tuesdays. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to leaving school at noon and going to the beach, taking a nap, basically doing ANYTHING I want! However, if there are any mom's out there that read this or anyone that needs a house sitter, I DO house sit and I DO babysit and would be willing to take on one and/or both. In the next 3 weeks I have: 1 paper, 1 taped interview and 1 presentation this week, 1 presentation, 1 outside 30 min. interview to conduct, and 3 papers next week and finals everyday the following week. Needless to say I WILL be busy in the coming weeks and will be ready for a much needed break! Also this summer, one of my best friends is getting married (in CHICAGO) and my friend Brooke and I will be vacationing...scratch that...attending her wedding in July, along with helping throw another wedding shower at the end of July AND serving as one of the leaders on our NEW Young Adults small group that our church plans on starting in the coming months. I'm definitely looking forward to all of it! Summer time HURRY UP!
Monday, April 12, 2010
After all these years...

As some of you may already know, I'm currently attending FSU P.C and am majoring in Communication. Well, this semester I made a lot of new friends (I literally have these 4 or 5 girls in almost every one of my classes) and we are always cutting up. In two of my classes there are literally 5 Megan's...one of which I've become good friends with. I knew from day 1 that she looked really familiar, but I just assumed she was a few years younger and maybe I'd just seen her around high school or GCCC...well, after talking and realizing we were the same age and attended different high schools, we figured there wasn't any way we could've known each other prior to our classes at FSU. Tonight we had an FSU Faculty vs Students basketball game (which was hilarious by the way...our professors did the half time show dancing around to "All My Single Ladies" just imagine 60 year old women dancing around to that...HILARIOUS) anyways, if we went we all got extra credit in our classes b/c our professors were in it...so myself and these 4 or 5 girls decided to go (Megan being one of them) and this afternoon before the game she texted asking if I was going to be there b/c she had a surprise for me. I told her yes but that I really didn't like surprises and would like her to just tell me what it was. After continuously refusing to give in, she told me I'd just have to wait til the game tonight. So...I see her walk in the gym and immediately I see that in her hand is a picture and I can tell its one of those big ones from your elementary school days. So she brings it to me, I open it up and standing right next to one another is Megan and Megan! WHO KNEW?! I asked her how she found it and she said she just stumbled upon it at her parents house this weekend and I asked how she knew it was me and without hesitating she said, "because you look EXACTLY the same!" Now, maybe I'm just in denial but I really hope I don't! I decided I'd post the pic and let you guys judge for yourselves....so let me know! Don't hate on my outfit too bad, ok?! That's all for today! Until tomorrow....
Sunday, April 11, 2010
A weekend of "firsts"
Well, my weekend was full of friends, fun and firsts. To start off my weekend, I was house sitting all last week and went Friday morning to let the dog out.Well, when I was coming out of their house I unfortunately caught the next door neighbor (a guy in his late 40's) running around his car, flapping his arms up and down and making a loud squawking noise...I didn't know if I should just turn around and act like I didn't see him or keep walking to my car...but it was too late...he saw me and just played it off by saying, "yeah..just doing my daily duty of trying to keep these ducks away)...I only saw one duck and it wasn't really even near him (CRAZY MAN)! Then...I went up to my friends' Kresta and Joe Michael's lake house (first time since its been done) and just relaxed on the patio (it was beautiful) and we (Kresta and I) got JM's truck stuck in sand..(again, first time I've ever gotten a truck stuck in sand). Saturday I ran 3.5 miles for the first time ever (and I'm paying for it as I write this..my legs are killing me) and used a saw cutting tree thing (have NO idea what its really called) to help a friend get the moss out of their trees (great arm workout by the way). Then, Sat night I had friends over and we sat around my dining room table (first time I've had people sit around my table...I live alone so I never get to eat at a table w/ people) so it was really nice and it was my first time not burning brownies...they weren't great...but they weren't burnt :) Then today was my small groups first time being in their new Family Life Center...so we played volleyball and did some team building activities (which were fun but took way to long). All in all it was a great weekend! Hope you all had a great one as well! Enjoy your Monday...I literally have to psych myself out for Mondays on Sunday nights!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Some things I've learned...
Ok...so in the past month or so I've learned a few interesting, funny and educational things that have, in some cases left me perplexed. Here are just a few things I've learned that I previously didn't know or had a different understanding of what they were.
Here's what I've learned...
1. The word Cathartic does not actually mean relaxing, tranquil or
therapeutic (which is apparently what a lot of us thought it meant...but you'll
have to look it up yourself...and people commonly mistake its definition and use
it with a whole different meaning).
2. There is a food called mustard greens?
3. If someone is in your yard and they aren't wearing an LHPD uniform, they
probably aren't LH police (read previous post for further explanation).
4. Never leave your garage door open...(a wild dog might come in and scare the crap
out of you (its true..happened to me this past weekend)
5. Never trust someone who's sitting in a motorized wheelchair (in your driveway),
trying to get you to believe that their wheelchair won't go forward after just
having proven that it can! (another crazy person I've encountered recently)
6. 7 out of 10 young adults (ages 18-30) who went to church in regularly in high
school said they quit attending by age 23 (that's absurd)!
7. Be patient, now I say I've learned that in the past month, but really God has just
been dealing w/ me a lot lately in this area (whether its when I'm behind snow
birds in traffic or just life in general)...Everything is done in HIS timing!
8. Not to look at the past and wish things were different and not to look toward the
future and hope for certain things but to realize that in the here and now (if we
are looking for opportunities), God can and will use us!...My youth pastor always
says, "are you going to wait until God says go or go until God says wait?"
9. This is something else I've really battled with...If we say we our christians and
only love those that are like us or nice to us, what credit is that to us?...Even
friends of mine or people from my past, I love but the second they are mean to me
or offend me, I immediately find myself (my sinful self) wanting to be mean back
to them or rude or ignore them...and although they've done this to me...I am
constantly having to pray "God...make me and my attitude, that like yours...help
me to love this person NO MATTER WHAT...and to show them your love"...-this has
been without a doubt the hardest thing for me lately!
So there are just a few things I've learned in the past month!
This next month is about to be crazy...I'm finishing up this semester (full of presentations, papers and finals in the next few weeks), still working 2 jobs, and getting pumped up/preparing for our new Young Adults ministry that we're starting (May 14th at LHUMC)! I'm sure it will all fly by but just the urgency of completing everything by the deadlines is a little stressful!
Real quick, I also wanted to share w/ you about a book I just finished reading that absolutely rocked my world and my views of Christianity, the church, Jesus and my selfish and simple ways. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you read it (I've read it and am about to read it again)...it's written by Francis Chan and is called Crazy Love! I highly recommend it...its an easy read and will leave you questioning what you are doing for God, knowing what he's done for you and wanting to change how you live and view others, God and our purpose here on this earth!
That's all for now! Oh..and I thought I'd leave you with a picture I took a few years ago and one of my favorite quotes. "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else." C.S. Lewis
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I'm NOT a morning person, but....
Well, hello there! This is my first blog and I must say, I can probably already tell you what you're thinking! "Why would a single, young woman have a blog?...I mean really, what could be so interesting that she thinks she needs to share it with others?" Well, I'll tell you that in the past month or so, I've had some strange things happen to me and after sharing them with some of you and hearing you guys suggest that I should blog about these things, I decided to take your advice!
So...I'll start off by telling you something odd that happened to me about a month ago. It was a Friday morning and I woke up thinking "did I just hear my doorbell ring or did I dream that?" So after a minute or two of contemplating whether or not I should go check it out, I decided to wrap myself in a blanket, run to the door and listen to see if I could hear anything. After a second or two of not really hearing anything, I looked out my front window only to find my house and street were surrounded by LH police...(now, I don't know what time it was but I could tell from the little bit of sunshine that came through my window it was early, and for those of you that don't know this yet, I am NOT a morning person!!!) SO...anyways, I ran back, got dressed (well, I was still looking pretty rough) but anyways, and went outside to find two officers coming from my back yard. I asked them what was going on and after telling me that they had been ringing my doorbell and banging on my door for about 10 minutes, they said they were chasing a suspect on foot and he jumped my fence and ran into my back yard. Then, (this is where its just down right dumb) one of the officers got real close to me and said, "now honey, if you see someone walking around your house and they don't have a LHPD uniform on, you need to holler real loud!" Now, I know I'm not a morning person, and looking as young and raggedy as I did, one might think I was incompetent of completely understanding what was going on, but give me a break people...a 5 year old would know that!! So...I told the officer I would and eventually went back into my house, looked out into my backyard to find 2 officers in it, an officer on the roof of the house across from me, one on my roof and one on the roof caddy corner! All that to say that after looking at a clock and realizing it was 5:30 in the morning and eventually watching as the police drove away, I finally fell back asleep, only to wake up later and think, "really, how could that police officer have thought I was that dumb?!" In the end, the suspect was caught, I now have a crazy story to tell and will definitely be considering getting something to use as a weapon (maybe a bat?!) so you better watch out!!! :)
So...I'll start off by telling you something odd that happened to me about a month ago. It was a Friday morning and I woke up thinking "did I just hear my doorbell ring or did I dream that?" So after a minute or two of contemplating whether or not I should go check it out, I decided to wrap myself in a blanket, run to the door and listen to see if I could hear anything. After a second or two of not really hearing anything, I looked out my front window only to find my house and street were surrounded by LH police...(now, I don't know what time it was but I could tell from the little bit of sunshine that came through my window it was early, and for those of you that don't know this yet, I am NOT a morning person!!!) SO...anyways, I ran back, got dressed (well, I was still looking pretty rough) but anyways, and went outside to find two officers coming from my back yard. I asked them what was going on and after telling me that they had been ringing my doorbell and banging on my door for about 10 minutes, they said they were chasing a suspect on foot and he jumped my fence and ran into my back yard. Then, (this is where its just down right dumb) one of the officers got real close to me and said, "now honey, if you see someone walking around your house and they don't have a LHPD uniform on, you need to holler real loud!" Now, I know I'm not a morning person, and looking as young and raggedy as I did, one might think I was incompetent of completely understanding what was going on, but give me a break people...a 5 year old would know that!! So...I told the officer I would and eventually went back into my house, looked out into my backyard to find 2 officers in it, an officer on the roof of the house across from me, one on my roof and one on the roof caddy corner! All that to say that after looking at a clock and realizing it was 5:30 in the morning and eventually watching as the police drove away, I finally fell back asleep, only to wake up later and think, "really, how could that police officer have thought I was that dumb?!" In the end, the suspect was caught, I now have a crazy story to tell and will definitely be considering getting something to use as a weapon (maybe a bat?!) so you better watch out!!! :)
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About Me

- Free To Be Me
- I'm a Florida girl trying to find my place in this world, while seeking my Savior and discovering who I am in Him and the unconditional love and grace that he so lavishly pours on me.